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Autonomous guiding of agricultural machinery

Automatic machinery guidance by the edge of vegetation, forage harvesters by current state of vegetation, and machinery for tillage by plants or according to the land relief (ridges), etc.

UTIPA index ???
Technological advancement ???
Applicability in practice ???
Count ???

Comparison according to the characteristics of the respondents

Characteristic Applicability in practice Technological advancement G-UTIPA Index Count
1 - Agricultural/forestry production to 50 hectares ??? ??? ??? ???
2 - Agricultural/forestry production from 50 to 500 hectares ??? ??? ??? ???
3 - Agricultural/forestry production above 500 hectares ??? ??? ??? ???
4 - Supplier of technology and services in precision farming ??? ??? ??? ???
5 - Academia and research ??? ??? ??? ???
6 - Public, food consumers ??? ??? ??? ???
7 - Students ??? ??? ??? ???
8 - My answer ??? ??? ??? ???

Heat map of occurrence of assessments

Evaluate and browse results


Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Center of Precision Agriculture
Kamýcká 129, Prague, 165 21, Czech republic


Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra